Chambers Global Practice Guides publishes contribution of J. Bofill and C. Ramos

2021 Chambers and Partners White-Collar Crime Guide includes a special contribution from the Bofill Escobar Silva Abogados with the text “Chile: Law & Practice and Trends & Developments, written by our partner Jorge Bofill and our associate attorney Cesar Ramos.
The text makes a broad analytical review of the criminal legislation of economic crimes in Chile, along with a presentation of the main axes of the reform in process that seeks to systematize the regulation of economic crimes and to incorporate new legal norms in relation to corporate criminality.
Our contribution to Chambers & Partners was included in the Global Practice Guides of this world-wide company. The Guides select expert legal analysis on different practice areas and their jurisdictions globally, allowing the reader to compare legislations and procedures in a wide variety of territories.
This contribution is complemented by the distinction of the 2022 Chambers & Partners ranking that ranked our office in the first place of Chilean firms in Economic Crime Litigations (Band1).
Jorge Bofill, our partner and co-founder of Bofill Escobar Silva, is one of the most prominent litigations lawyers in Chile and was individually ranked in Band 1 by the same ranking. He as represented multiple clients before Chilean and international courts, such as the World Bank’s International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes. He was part of the Presidential Commission for the xx of the new Lega Code and was advisor to the National Economic District Attorney’s Office on anti-trust matters.
Por su parte, César Ramos es asociado del Área Penal de Bofill Escobar Silva y cuenta con amplia experiencia en el diseño de estrategias judiciales, asesoría y representación de clientes en causas de alta complejidad. Tiene vasta experiencia en litigios penales, especialmente en el ámbito económico, patrimonial, tributario y bursátil, y ha integrado comisiones técnicas de asesoría en el ámbito penal, como la Comisión de Reforma del Código Procesal Penal.
Puedes revisar aquí la versión completa en idioma inglés de la contribución de nuestro estudio a la Guía White-Collar Crime 2021: Chile: Law & Practice and Trends & Developments.